Essentials For Every Android Developer

Android app development is an extremely popular career choice today. In this digital age, apps have become near ubiquitous and indispensable. The browser you are using to read this article is an application, just like so many different apps that enable us to do so many other things.

Many different Android app development courses are available online today, allowing learners to upskill quickly. However, there are specific prerequisites that learners must possess to gain a considerable head-start. This article dwells on those in concise detail.


 Essential Android Developmental Tools For App Developers


· If you are familiar with programming and Integrated Development Environments, you must have heard of Eclipse. For those unfamiliar, Eclipse is a developmental platform wherein programmers craft codes and design applications. Almost every primary web development course on Android will have you working with Eclipse.

 A plugin for the Eclipse IDE called the Android Development Tools offers all necessary features & functionalities for developers.

 · We begin with the Dalvik Debug Monitor Service. It is a debugging utility integrated into the Eclipse integrated development environment. It offers numerous unique features such as task management, file management, emulator interaction, task & event logging, screen captures, and more.

 · Next up comes the Android Emulator. It is probably the most powerful tool at an Android developer’s disposal.

 · Other essential Android tools include the following:


Android Hierarchy Viewer à Enables developers to inspect the different user interface components in an application while the application is running.


Draw 9-Patch Tool à Allows the designing of stretchable PNG files.


AIDL Compiler à Creates remote interfaces for facilitating inter-process communication on the Android application


mksdcard command-line utility à Helps developers create stand-alone SD card images for use within the Android Virtual Device & the Android emulator.


 Some Handy Tips

Before we round up, we leave you with some tips on becoming a better &well-rounded Java developer.

ü Be well-acquainted and thorough with Android framework internals. Then, dive deep for a comprehensive understanding.


ü Get over your FOMO. Android development is a vast domain; take your time, and learn everything at your own pace. Don’t rush but move forward with intent.


ü Code as often as possible and then some more.


ü Enrol in self-paced business analytics and intelligence course. Analytics and big data have become exceedingly prominent, so upskilling in this domain can do you a lot of good.


And that wraps up this write-up. Hope it helps you get started in the industry. Remember that, whether you are looking for a web development or hotel management course, choose only from reliable providers.

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